Delivery time: from stock subject to prior sales
Products & Services
Stock Shop
Payment terms: Credit card or for established accounts 30 days net
For larger quantities, please, request a quotation
Stock Sale
Optical filters
Depending on your location, please use one of the Spectrogon links on the right to reach our filter tables.
Spectrogon AB
Europe, Asia and Australia
Spectrogon UK
Great Britain, Ireland, France, Netherlands and Belgium
Spectrogon US
North and South America
Broad Band Antireflection (BBAR) Windows
Uncoated Windows
General specifications:
Polished both sides: S&D 60/40
Broad Band Antireflection (BBAR) Windows
Uncoated Windows
General specifications:
Polished both sides: S&D 60/40
Optical Coatings
Holographic Gratings
Broad Band Antireflection (BBAR) Windows
Uncoated Windows
Broad Band Antireflection (BBAR) Windows
Standard BBAR windows in stock, subject to prior sales
Delivery terms: Ex works (INCOTERMS)
Delivery time: from stock subject to prior sales
Payment terms: Credit card or for established accounts 30 days net
For larger quantities, please, request a quotation
General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery
All agreements, sales and deliveries are in accordance with our General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Delivery which are available upon request.
These General Terms shall apply save as modified by written agreement between the parties. As far as the reciprocal rights and liabilities of the parties as well as their relation to a third party are not stipulated in our General Conditions of Delivery or in written agreement, the regulations in ORGALIME 2012 shall apply where relevant.
Please, send all purchase orders and/or requests for quotation to:

Spectrogon AB (Head office)
Box 7071
SE-187 12 Täby
Covering: Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa and the Middle East
Tel no: +46 8 638 28 00
Fax no: +46 8 638 28 08

Spectrogon UK Ltd.
Whitworth Rd, Glenrothes
Fife, KY6 2TF
United Kingdom
Covering: Great Britain, Ireland, France, Netherlands and Belgium
Tel no: +44 1592 770 000
Fax no: +44 1592 770 040

Spectrogon US Inc.
115 Route 46 West
Suite A1-A2
Mountain Lakes, NJ 07054
Covering: North and South America
Tel no: +1 973 331 1191
Fax no: +1 973 331 1373